Welcome to The Research Center of Low Carbon and Wate Recycing!
- April, 2005
- The Waste Management Research Center was established as a result of the 21st Century COE Program "Strategic Waste Management for a Recycling-Oriented Society" (2003-2008).
- April, 2017
- The Waste Management Research Center, a university-wide organization, was
transferred to the Research Center attached to the Graduate School of Environmental
and Life Sciences. Changed name to Low Carbon and Waste Recycling Research
Center to expand research area
- April, 2023
- Due to the reorganization of the graduate school, moved to the Graduate
School of Environmental, Life and Natural Sciences
Purpose of Centre
- Promote practical research that leads to the sustainable development of
society in areas spanning low-carbon societies and recycling-oriented societies
- Fostering experts in waste management and environmental technology evaluation in Japan and overseas
- Providing technical cooperation and information through regional collaboration
with industry, academia, and government
Goal of Centre
- Strengthening leadership in environmental research and policy in the Asia-Pacific
- Sending students overseas and accepting them from abroad, and developing human resources with a wealth of international experience
- The only university-affiliated organization in Japan specializing in waste
- Working with local governments such as Okayama City to analyze and evaluate
waste management for the region
- In addition to Japan's waste problem, we are focusing on waste research in Southeast Asia (Malaysia, Indonesia, Vietnam, Cambodia, etc.) and the Pacific (Guam, Palau).
- We are also researching the social and educational aspects of waste, such
as education for sustainable development (ESD) and education and awareness
of the 3Rs (reduction, reuse, and recycling) of waste.
Research Fields
- Research on waste quantification technology
- Research on waste recycling technology
- Recycling Social System Research
- Recycling Social Policy Research
- Study on education and enlightenment for recycling-oriented society
- Low-carbon technology research for waste treatment
- Low-carbon research on waste management
- Research on co-benefits of low-carbon and material recycling society
Research Subject
- Construction of a recycling-oriented society aiming for a low-carbon society
- Research on waste management in a recycling-oriented society
- Study on effective recycling of waste and its reduction effect
- Research on effective utilization technology for biomass waste
- Research on countermeasures for disaster waste generated by earthquakes, tsunamis, etc.
- Design and evaluation of educational and awareness-raising activities related
to the 3Rs
- Development of life cycle assessment (LCA) tool
- On-site surveys of waste in developing countries, analysis of waste management problems, and proposals for specific improvements
International Activities
- Analyze the waste problems faced by developing countries, apply waste treatment
and recycling technologies, and assess environmental impact.
- Forming academic-government partnerships with partner universities and
administrative agencies to conduct research and education
- In order to become a base for waste research in Asia, we are engaged in education and research exchanges and information dissemination with overseas.
Purpose: To give realistic lectures based on knowledge and experience
about real-world problems and approaches to solving them
- Lecture of Waste Management in Graduate School of Environmental, Life,
and Natural ScieSciences on Waste
Purpose: To conduct advanced research on technology and management for
building a low-carbon, material-recycling society that is useful to Asia
and the world.
- Conduct advanced research related to low carbon and waste
- Promotion of joint projects among researchers (project joint application)
- Holding research workshops
- Collaboration with NGOs: Collaborative research with waste-related NGOs
- Collaboration with companies: joint research with companies
- Promotion of research results: Active use of research presentation opportunities,
such as the Knowledge Fair
「Social Contribution」
Objectives: Enlightenment activities to raise awareness of the need for
a low-carbon, recycling-oriented society and to encourage practice, cooperation
overseas, particularly in Asia, acceptance of international students
- Public Lecture: Waste Education for the General Public
- Citizen Event: Environmental Learning from the Perspective of ESD
- International Cooperation: Waste School for Asian Students: Sakura Science
Plan, etc.
- Hue graduate school education and acceptance of international students